We are never truly alone.

Yet sometimes we need help to see what is already there.

Sonia is an Intuitive Psychic Medium and Lightworker who channels high vibrational energy. She has amassed significant experience over many years channelling Traditional Usui Reiki healing energy while working with her Guides & Angels. Having a number of Spiritual gifts at her disposal, Sonia is Clairsentient & Intuitively guided to provide You with bespoke support regardless of your circumstance.

“I am assisted by my Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ascended Masters and positively aligned Galactic energies, all through Higher Self in LOve and Light”
Sonia, 2021

Hello my LOvely

I channel guidance and healing from the Angelic Realm & Spiritual Realms.

Scrolling down You will find more information about my services,

Two of my paintings found below are links to the Healing & Readings pages, plus at the bottom of this page is a selection of my artwork & ceramics, which I proudly created at Art College.

You can find more of my artistic Co-creations in my About section. Please email me for information on Custom pieces.

First Disclaimer and much to my firstborns’ bemusement (with LOve), I over use and often mis-place CapiTal Letters and am very grammatically creative. Thank You Joseph for all your amazing work on this site and for not disowning me in the process! It really has been long but that’s Divine timing for You. Ever evolving!

Second Disclaimer by law, readings are classified as for entertainment purposes only!

So follow Your intuition while remembering both readings and any complimentary therapy should not replace conventional medical, financial or legal advice.

Pebble in the sea

Like pebbles on a beach
Forced to and thro’ by the Sea
I drift around not knowing
Which way is best for me
I try with all my might
To move in one direction
Yet the force of nature
Moves me to distraction
And I wonder if I’m the one
Who knows what’s best for me
Or should I just release my grip
And be a pebble in the sea…

Sonia Uddin, January 2008


The Warm Glow of Hope, 2018


The Glow of Full Moon Hope, 2018

In every creative expression Sonia channels high vibrational energy.

This is reflected in her Art & Creativity.

“Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.
Nature is the source of all true knowledge.

She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity.”

Leonardo da Vinci