About Sonia
SeeingBeyond369 Gallery
“You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience."
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Sonia with her painting ‘Source of Hope’ Feb 2019 from her ‘Glow of Hope’ series 2018/2019.
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Hello, Welcome to my World!
You can call me Sonia or Pixie as I am different things to different people. Fundamentally a Divine Feminine, Earth Angel, holistic Healer and Psychic Medium.
I am a Mother & Grandmother, a Sister & a friend who resonates with many titles and energies… Lightworker, Starseed, Wanderer and Twin Flame to name a few and in no particular order, just energies that I resonate with.
I LOve knowing that I am co-creating with Spirit in all I do. Whether that’s directly with people, animals or plants plus as an artist I am able to express mySelf through many mediums, using paint, wood, clay, wool or even the lens of a camera.
Unwittingly I’ve always been guided by Angelic energy so I’d been working with Spiritual energy all of my Life, but Reiki found me twenty three years ago when in 1998 I attended a healing circle ran by Reiki masters and teachers Sandra & Ed Doughty, within weeks I received my 1st & then 2 months later my 2nd Usui Reiki attunements. At this time in my life I was going through a number of extreme life challenges and changes.
Reiki allowed me to see mySelf, not as I had been conditioned to see myself, but for who I was in my own Spiritual Truth. I could see my own worth and potential!
It was at this time I also became aware of and was actually introduced to my Angels! Now with the understanding of their guidance and assistance I channel High Frequency Angelic Healing energies.
I am supported by All the Archangels and Angelic realm, each one bringing their own energies for specific needs as All work from Source in LOve and Light frequencies.
All the frequencies/energies that I channel open a space within You for Self healing and growth and maybe a little enlightenment.
EnJoy the journey with LOve!
Sonia Uddin, 2021
Sonia is strongly connected to and guided by the Angelic and Spiritual Realms:
“I had to recognise mySelf before I could recognise You!
Yet in finding You, I found We!
Embracing Unity consciousness!”
Looking back on my life, I realise that I grew up with Claircognizance and Clairsentience - the “knowing’s” and “feelings”. It’s only with hindsight that I can see these saved me from more than a few awkward situations. That being said, I wasn’t saved from them all - as it turned out I had plenty of lessons to learn!! [Chuckling to myself with the wisdom of time].
It took me a long while to learn to trust this natural instinct. During my time training to be a hairstylist and then my years working as one I was often told I had ‘healing hands', and a number would ask for me specifically because of this. It was at this time I realised that I was providing far more than just a massage or hair cut. For some people we were a safe space to offload and as soon as they sat in that chair all cares and worries would pour out. I've since learned that is also to do with being Empathic.
I have experienced the duality of highs and lows on this journey, at times floored unable to see a way through. Interspersed with the mundane and also great moments of Joyful, Empowerment in Pure connections and Bliss. When needed, My guides reminding me to shine bright, stay in my flow and let go of the energies that no longer serve me. Showing me in signs and synchronicities my true worth, reminding me I AM LOve. Here to remind You that you are also LOve, Love, love!
I received my first Usui Reiki level 3 master practitioner attunements 12 years ago* and 3 years ago* my master teacher attunements.
Over time I have gained more awareness of other “Clairs” ** Clairvoyance & Clairaudience to name a couple of others, which have given me a greater understanding that there truly is so much more to us than just matter, in this physical realm”.
Nearing the completion of my Access to Higher Education course in Art & Design 2017/2018 @ Kingston College, I was guided to co-create a series of paintings called “The Glow of Hope”. My light at the end of the tunnel series, which can be seen below in my ‘Seeingbeyond369 Gallery.’
If You are interested in a commissioned piece where by I tune in to your energy or the recipients energy if it is to be a gift, to make this so much more personal.
LOve, Light & Happiness, Sonia Uddin 2021
* Written in 2021
** Clair (French) = Clear … i.e. ClairVoyance = ‘Clear Seeing’, ClairAudiant = ‘Clear Hearing’.

SeeingBeyond369 Gallery
Art by Sonia
Although all the artwork here are homed,
Commissioned pieces are available on request.
Channelled inspiration focused for the receiver, bespoke in size and colour for your tastes.