Healing with Sonia

Channelling either Angelic Healing frequencies or Usui Reiki Healing Energies

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”



Angelic Healing

During this Channelled Healing I am Guided by my Angelic team.

Such Strong, Beautiful, Compassionate, LOving energies who want to help us raise our vibration and become the best version of ourselves.

I channel very High frequency 6th, 7th Dimensional & above, Gold Light rays.

My focused intention is for the best and highest possible good of Your Mind, Body & Soul in LOve, Light.

With it bringing Balance and Healing on many levels.

Co-Creating Oneness in Unity Consciousness.

To remind You that You are Love! That You come from LOve and will return to LOve.

This is lead by Angels, so I go where they guide me.

Shine Brightly beautiful Be-ings in LOve, Light & Happiness!


Sonia is a Reiki master teacher of the Usui System of Reiki Healing

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of healing which can be hands on or hands off with light to no touch, as agreed before treatment. It can also take place over a distance.

What is the background of Reiki?

The word Reiki is made of the two energies Rei* and Ki** and in the Western teachings is loosely and more commonly translated as ‘Universal Lifeforce Energy’ which flows through us all.

Reiki healing is an ‘energy’ or vibrational frequency which is working on our Light body/Energy field. Which in turn filters into our physical body/matter. Due to the Usui Reiki attunements I have received I am able to channel Rei & Ki energies through me to You the recipient, enabling Self-Healing.

In addition to the Meridian lines in our body, we have energy centres or spinning wheels of energy called Chakras*** that we work on within our Light body. These run vertically from Crown (head) to Root (coccyx). Each Chakra relates to and affects different areas of our body. When we are exposed to the stresses of life, pollution and negative energy, we experience blockages in energy flow within our body and Chakras.

These can show up either physically, mentally or emotionally or a combination of the three.

Reiki healing will raise the vibration of energy flowing through You, releasing and removing this stagnant energy and transmuting with LOving energy allowing the natural flow of Universal Life-force to resume throughout the Body, Mind and Soul.

*Rei = Highest Outer Spiritual Healing Energy ~ Higher LOve frequency

**Ki = Various Inner Life-Force Healing Energies

***We will be working on the 7 Chakra (3rd Dimensional) body system initially, there are also 12 Chakra (4th Dimensional) & 22 Chakra (5th Dimensional) systems and above, when You are ready!

Traditional Usui Reiki Healing

Please use the drop down (+) plus symbol for a fuller explanation.

Please contact me for any further details and availability.

  • Face to face session at an agreed location and time frame.

    Immerse YourSelf in an hour treatment or

    30/40 minutes can be perfect to unwind and refresh over a lunch break.

    Now available in 7Dials, Brighton UK and also for Home visit. Please contact for further details.

  • A blood cleanse - As taught by Mrs Takata.

    This technique is believed to enhance oxygen levels whilst also freeing toxins from the blood, as well as stimulating the circulatory & nervous systems and balancing the energies in the spinal cord.

  • A session over Zoom delivering a treatment in your own space, where ever You are.

    Reiki is sent using a combination of beaming and distance symbols.

    Time-frame agreed in consultation.

  • As Reiki is an intelligent energy working on our Light body it is free from the restrictions of time and matter, so can be sent directly to You wherever you are, either in real time or at your requested time.


Reiki is Love,

Love is wholeness,

Wholeness is balance,

Balance is wellbeing,

Wellbeing is freedom from disease.

Dr Mikao Usui

‘ As taught by Usui Sensei,

A mission of Reiki:

1st heal emotional,

2nd heal the body and enjoy peaceful life.

Increase Happiness in Self and others.

To have Unconditional Love!

Unifying macrocosm and microcosm.

Universe is oneSelf and oneSelf is Universe.” Usui Sensei ’

Excerpt from a fax from Doi Sensei 1999 with literal translation of Usui Sensei.

The Reiki 1 Manual - The spiritual Healer’s Guide and The Self-Healing Workbook, page 104,

by Reiki Master Allan J Sweeney,
